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Revival & Revitalization

"We have never lost a battle we have fought. We have never won a battle that we failed to fight." --Anonymous

Nothing can stop God's Church when it is faithfully on-mission. When Christ builds his Church, the gates of Hades cannot overcome it. (Matt. 17:18) The mission of God is transformation, and the fundamental work of transformation is making disciples. When a local church is faithful to this mission, it becomes a center for revival and revitalization.

A revival is a moment when God breathes new life into a congregation or community. It is a time of deep spiritual conviction and is marked with many signs, wonders, and lives surrendered to God. Church revitalization is the building of declining or stagnant churches into healthy, growing ministries. It is marked by things like inspiring worship, need-meeting outreach, nurturing small groups, empowering leadership, and functional structures.

A disciple-making movement leads to revival and revitalization in local churches. Disciple-making movements begin in prayer and remain rooted in prayer. They are fueled by rich experiences with God in worship and meaningful fellowship. They are focused and principled, seeking God to provide for and empower the work of God's mission. They recenter ministry in the church from positions to people, giving everyone important work to do--no one is left stagnant. Ministry leaders become undergirders instead of merely overseers.

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